Year: 2017

IF with AND and IF with OR

The powerful function If can already do a lot of tricks, but we can for sure do more when we use it with AND or...

New function IFERROR, finally

We have already gotten used to use VLOOKUP, MATCH and other functions that generates errors inside an IF But, we do not need that anymore...


One of the power of combining functions in one cell is using the best of these functions An example is here, OFFSET + MATCH will...

Excel sessions – 2013 VS 2010

Excel 2010 was great because you can easily open another Excel session while your current session is working. This allowed us to run multiple tools...

Count how many times letter found

Found this in an old file while doing some digital cleaning This will show you how you can easily count how many times a letter...

Calculate hours between two cells

We needed that several times in the past Then I found it in an old file in my laptop, thought to share it for others...