Month: July 2022

Searching table in 2 dimensions.

Using VLOOKUP + MATCH (HLOOKUP + MATCH, OFFSET + 2 MATCHes or INDEX + 2 MATCHes) to search a table in both axis. This post...

Search across sheets in function

Just when you need to search for a thing across sheets in a workbook. I am bored, so I am adding articles from my old...

Min Max vehicle

Finding which vehicle with minimum (or maximum) amount of savings among peers. This is an old request, found its formula in my archive to calculate...

Shapes with dynamic output

A trick learned awhile ago. Creating shapes connected to cell, that updated automatically. When following steps attached, you will be able to connect any shape...

The Excel “&” bug

Just a quick find I noticed few days ago. If you notice, the & inside cell has turned into an underline of the letter after...

0% interest promotion

The past few months, I established a formula to help me determine if certain credit card promotion makes sense or not. This helped me a...