Category: LEFT

Middle name + 1st name

Get the initial (middle name) from a triple name in a cell.C4 The cell contains the triple name separated with spaces.=LEFT(C4,1) & "." & MID(C4,...

Cuts string of list of items

An old lesson to one of my early classes to show how can we cut a string having list of items into its parts. (At...

Cells with additional spaces

Detect which cells has additional spaces added by mistake by user. =IF(AND(Left(F2, 2) = "No", LEN(F2) >2, "Space at end", "")...


I have been in a lot of situation needing to convert a number came out from a string into actual numbers. Sometimes N() worked, sometimes...

iframe in Excel (XLiFrame)

This is the iframe in Excel, if you are familiar with the HTML concept of iframe, you will understand this one right away, it is...