Tag: IF

Jan8 date format

Format a date in shortest format possible indicating how many days have passed (Past date) If date1-date2 < 8 Sat, Fri, …If date1-date2 < 350...

Repeated Offset

I needed to have an offset of columns to be repeated every 12 months. This is part of a project, we needed to calculate the...

Return 12 values in one number

A technic I loved using, return list of items (up to 12 items now) in ONE number. Let us say you have list of 12...


I have been in a lot of situation needing to convert a number came out from a string into actual numbers. Sometimes N() worked, sometimes...

Schedule column

Create list of dates excluding weekends and holidays.Basically create list of workdays in a certain year, you may fill in to get more. List of...

CHOOSE – tree of decisions

If you are like me, then you must have needed to use CHOOSE functionThis is basically like “SELECT CASE” statement, but more limited So, in...