Category: Standard functions

Middle name + 1st name

Get the initial (middle name) from a triple name in a cell.C4 The cell contains the triple name separated with spaces.=LEFT(C4,1) & "." & MID(C4,...

LastSunday, LastSaturday

Get the date of the most recent SUNDAY for a specific date:D12 is the cell containing the date =D12 - WEEKDAY(D12) + 1 While Saturday...

Jan8 date format

Format a date in shortest format possible indicating how many days have passed (Past date) If date1-date2 < 8 Sat, Fri, …If date1-date2 < 350...

Walking Columns

An easy way to scroll through set of data in a graphic way without graphs. A-pure-formula xlsx workbook. These were done using formulas, conditional formatting,...

Unix DateTime Number

Convert Date/time number from regular number to Unix DateTime Number....

Get 3rd Wednesday of month

This was an interesting request. Needing to get the date of 3rd Wednesday for a given month, automatically, using pure Excel functions. So, sharing here...

Repeated Offset

I needed to have an offset of columns to be repeated every 12 months. This is part of a project, we needed to calculate the...