Category: Math and Trig

Walking Columns

An easy way to scroll through set of data in a graphic way without graphs. A-pure-formula xlsx workbook. These were done using formulas, conditional formatting,...

Repeated Offset

I needed to have an offset of columns to be repeated every 12 months. This is part of a project, we needed to calculate the...

Sorting with functions only

This one is similar to where we use some controls here that make it more user-friendly....

Return 12 values in one number

A technic I loved using, return list of items (up to 12 items now) in ONE number. Let us say you have list of 12...

Min Max vehicle

Finding which vehicle with minimum (or maximum) amount of savings among peers. This is an old request, found its formula in my archive to calculate...

0% interest promotion

The past few months, I established a formula to help me determine if certain credit card promotion makes sense or not. This helped me a...