Category: Texts and Strings

Middle name + 1st name

Get the initial (middle name) from a triple name in a cell.C4 The cell contains the triple name separated with spaces.=LEFT(C4,1) & "." & MID(C4,...

Jan8 date format

Format a date in shortest format possible indicating how many days have passed (Past date) If date1-date2 < 8 Sat, Fri, …If date1-date2 < 350...

6174 Kaprekar’s constant

This is the spreadsheet to prove this constant. When all roads lead to Kaprekar Just enter any 4 digits number in D3 and watch roads...

Cuts string of list of items

An old lesson to one of my early classes to show how can we cut a string having list of items into its parts. (At...

Cells with additional spaces

Detect which cells has additional spaces added by mistake by user. =IF(AND(Left(F2, 2) = "No", LEN(F2) >2, "Space at end", "")...


I have been in a lot of situation needing to convert a number came out from a string into actual numbers. Sometimes N() worked, sometimes...