Category: VLOOKUP

Sorting with functions only

This one is similar to where we use some controls here that make it more user-friendly....

Searching table in 2 dimensions.

Using VLOOKUP + MATCH (HLOOKUP + MATCH, OFFSET + 2 MATCHes or INDEX + 2 MATCHes) to search a table in both axis. This post...

Skills Grid

A small Excel file to show how we can create a chart-like Excel sheet Used in my Resume to show different skill sets and the...

New function IFERROR, finally

We have already gotten used to use VLOOKUP, MATCH and other functions that generates errors inside an IF But, we do not need that anymore...


I have been asked for a while now to just put a simple VLookup function, here it is, I know this might be stupid to...