Category: Standard functions

CountIf limitation

CountIF function cannot search for text longer than 255 chars. This is mainly found here …

CHOOSE – tree of decisions

If you are like me, then you must have needed to use CHOOSE functionThis is basically like “SELECT CASE” statement, but more limited So, in...

Count Unique

A question by a colleague on how to count number of unique items in a column made me realize, I don't have that here. So here...


Simplest way to get name of day as cell output from a date. Because you can custom format a cell with date to show only...

Fixed length ID

I needed few months back to make a fixed-length ID iut if none-fixed-length numbers. SO I used the function REPT with RIGHT to force all...


This is a financial box, a saving account, a credit, a loan, or any other financial amount that has input and output. During my time...