Fx to cut long column into two columns

Convert one long column into two
This set of formulas will get the items after row 45 (for example) from column A into the column B starting from B1 to have two 45-rows next to each other instead of one 90-rows column

This was the answer for this question
Yahoo! Answers question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081225182043AAc7ZEB

Show two columns in one page as four columns using functions only. This will help you to show the next x number of rows for a certain column to the next of the first one to reduce the number of pages to print.

Can work also to convert into 3 columns out of 1, etc

Use this formula to grap the first column
And use this one to grap the second column
Again, all these formulas are linked to cell A1


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